Sunday, October 12, 2014

Celery the Vegetable Herb

Celery, Apium graviolens, is an herb, a vegetable and if you count the seeds that are used in cooking it is a spice. This lowly  vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrition, more than most people realize. It is great for those wanting to lose weight and it is well known for helping with blood pressure. Below are some of the things celery is good for.

Celery is a very low calorie food containing about ten calories per stalk. It aids in digestion because it contains lots of fiber. Celery helps to reduce inflammation, and the magnesium can soothe the nervous system when one is stressed. It is good for those with sleep problems. Eating some about a half hour before bed will help you sleep better. It helps the body maintain a healthy pH balance, and has nutrients that can protect your eyes. Celery helps with reducing bad cholesterol. A some studies show that celery may be an aid in fighting cancer. Celery is also used for gout and pain relief in folks that have inflammation in their joints.

On the nutritional level, celery contains antioxidants vitamin K,  folate, vitamin A, potassium, and vitamin C. also, the antioxidants known as phytonutrients, flavonols, flavones and phytosterols. Celery is mainly water, but it also provides dietary fiber. Celery has a salty taste because it contains sodium, but don't confuse this with table salt, the salts in celery are good salts and quite different from table salts.

Be careful if you have an allergy to celery, it can cause anaphylactic shock in a very few folks that are allergic to this. It is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing, though the amounts used in food are safe to use. Celery may increase bleeding. Do not take it in medicinal amounts for two weeks before or after surgery. Don't use celery in medicinal amounts if you have kidney or low blood pressure problems . Always consult your health care practitioner if you wish to use celery for medicinal purposes.

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Valerie Lull
Ten Healthy Teas

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