Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Green Tea

 I have had a lot of people tell me that they prefer black over green tea because they don't care for the taste of green tea. Black tea does have some benefits, like lots of antioxidants. In a famous Dutch study men who had black tea every day for several years had lower rates of heart disease and stroke. However, green tea is even better for your health. It too contains antioxidants and helps prevent heart disease and cancer. It is also an anti-inflammatory. The Japanese, who have the highest level of longevity in the world, drink several cups of green tea every day and it is thought to contribute to their long life. Hundreds of studies  have been done and hundreds of books have been written on green tea and it is one of the most researched of all natural substances.

Still for many people the taste is a barrier for using this healthy beverage. I must agree that green tea does have a "grassy" taste that is not my favorite. What do I do? I want to take advantage of this good and healthy beverage? I add a little Stevia to my green tea though you might choose other sweeeteners. Most people don't use creamer in green tea , but it is OK if you like the addition. Many tea companies put out flavored green teas. My favorite is green tea with lemon grass. Other flavored green teas at the supermarket include spiced green tea, and pomegranite green tea. Next time you go to the store look at the tea section and see how many different flavored green teas there are. There is also the internet where you can find limitless selections.

Valerie Lull