Sunday, April 3, 2016

Health Benefits of Black Pepper

Black pepper is one of the most popular of all spices. It has been used for centuries in India where it originated. Wars have been fought over pepper. Pepper grows on a vine that produces small white flowers which develop berries that are called peppercorns. These are ground up into the spice we call pepper. Peppercorns come in white, and black. They both come from the same plant; they are just harvested at different times and processed differently. Black pepper is hot and smells strong and white pepper is hot but has less smell. Pepper oil is distilled from pepper.

Most people think of pepper in terms of culinary uses, but black pepper has a number of health benefits as well. Black pepper stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which improves digestion. It also helps prevent the formation of gas in the intestines. It has diaphoretic properties that encourage sweating and diuretic properties that promote urination. Peppercorns stimulate the breakdown of fat cells. Some people even use black pepper to help them quit smoking.

Black peppercorns have potassium, calcium zinc, manganese, iron and magnesium. They also contain B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin A. They have antioxidants such as carotenes, zeaxanathin and lycopene. Anti-oxidants work against free radicals that can cause cancer and other diseases.

Black pepper has some unique household uses that I found interesting. It can be used as a laundry booster to keep the colors of your clothes bright. Sprinkle a half teaspoon of pepper into your laundry. It will wash away and your clothes will not fade.

Pepper can be used in your garden to keep pests and insects away as well as deer and rabbits. It makes an excellent scrub for your face. You can make a formula from sugar, massage oil, and 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper. Add a few drops of orange essential oil. Massage the mixture into your face, then rinse. Black pepper is readily available in any supermarket. Organic pepper is the best.


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Valerie Lull
Ten Spices for Health and Longevity

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