Sunday, January 24, 2016

Chamomile Tea and Your Thyroid

I have written about Chamomile tea before but there are so many good things about it that I'm writing on this subject again. Chamomile tea is traditionally used for many things. One of the most popular uses for the tea is to bring peace and calm to the drinker. Chamomile tea is good for many other things that the ordinary person may not be aware of.(1)

One thing that caught my eye was a recent study done in Greece. The researchers studied the effect of Greek herbal tea consumption on thyroid cancer. There are not many studies on tea and thyroid disease, so this new study is quite interesting. They studied three teas: sage tea, mountain tea and chamomile tea.

The researchers discovered an association between the consumption of chamomile tea and thyroid disease. It seems that the longer a person has been drinking chamomile tea, the stronger the protection from thyroid problems. The researchers found that thirty years of consumption reduced the risk of thyroid cancer development by 80%. The other two teas in the study  had a much weaker effect on thyroid disease development. Adjustments for smoking, alcohol and coffee were made but did not change the results.(2)

The researchers concluded for the first time that drinking herbal tea, chamomile in particular, protects from thyroid cancer.  These findings really impressed me and I have increased my consumption of chamomile tea. The tea can be gotten in tea bags or loose. Organic is preferred and it should be brewed with the purest of water.

If you want to start using chamomile tea for prevention of thyroid problems, or if you already have a thyroid disorder, be sure to discuss it with your healthcare provider; especially if you are pregnant. Side effects include allergic reactions. (3) Chamomile tea is easy to make. Take 1 oz.of herb, 1 cup of boiling water and pour the water over the herb. Let it steep 4-5 minutes, then drink. I let mine cool a few minutes before drinking.


Be sure and check out  my website at  My book Ten Spices for Health and Longevity is now out in paperback. It can be purchased at

Valerie Lull
Ten Healthy Teas

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