Sunday, December 21, 2014


Ilex Aquifolium

Holly is a plant we use for decorative purposes of at Christmas time. The Romans used it in their feast to Saturn, and the druids considered it one of their sacred trees. They would wear sprigs of holly on their heads when they went into the forest. It is a plant that has many varieties; English holly, American holly, and Oregon holly are a fewof them. There are various medicinal uses for several varieties of holly.

The American Indians used holly to cause vomiting, and Yaupon tea, (several varieties of holly mixed together), was used in South America for ceremonial purposes as a "cleanser". They also used it for cardiac diseases. Holly was used in Europe to drive away evil spirits.

 Medicinal uses include coughs, edema, jaundice, digestive problems, joint pain, chest congestion, cleansing the bowels, stimulating the heart and increasing the flow of urine. Some species are used for heart disease, dizziness and high blood pressure.the leaves have also been used as a diaphoretic (makes you sweat) and catarrh, smallpox, pleurisy,

The leaves have been made into a tea, and the historic herbalist Culpepper suggests their use as a fomentation for broken bones. He also advocated their use for colic. Holly has also been used as a liquid extract. Holly contains caffeine. The caffeine content in the berries is higher than in the leaves.

Holly berries are considered unsafe to consume and can cause death, especially in children. They cause violent vomiting and diarrhea and this dehydrates the system and depletes the electrolytes. The spines on the holly leaves can puncture the mouth and digestive tract. For women who are pregnant or breast feeding, holly is not recommended.

If you want to use holly for medicinal purposes be sure to consult an herbalist or professional health care person and do not try to use it on your own.

Be sure to visit my website at Have a great holiday!

Valerie Lull
Ten Healthy Teas

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