Saturday, April 5, 2014

Uses for Catnip


Catnip which is also called catmint and catswort, belongs to the mint family of herbs. I like catnip because of the euphoric state it induces in my cat, but I also like it for what it does for me. No, it will not make one euphoric, that seems to be a feline thing, but it does have some health benefits for humans.

Catnip grows in the northern hemisphere in the milder climates and the plants have fuzzy, green leaves and a flower that is small and white. The latin name is Nepeta cataria. The leaves and stems are used for herbal preparations. These include, teas, infusions, tinctures, and extracts. You can grow your own catnip or buy it from a reputable dealer. 

Some of the benefits of catnip for humans include anxiety, digestive problems, insomnia, nervousness and calming down overactive children. One of the ingredients in catnip is Nepatalactone which is what causes the sedative effect in humans. Catnip also useful as a pesticide that repels certain insects. 

Catnip Tea

Catnip can be brewed in a tea. Here is the recipe:

1 t catnip
1 C boiling water

Put catnip herb in the water and let it steep 5 minutes for a tea and 10 minutes for an infusion. (An infusion is a stronger brew that is used for therapeutic purposes.) Drink up to three times a day. Enjoy!

Catnip can be purchased in loose form or in capsuels. It can also be used as a poltice, or a wash.

Question: Do you prefer catnip tea or mint tea? Why?

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Valerie Lull
Author: Ten  Healthy Teas

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