Sunday, July 13, 2014

Limes, Citrus aruantifolia

Limes, often considered more sour than lemons, have many health benefits. Most notably, they were carried on British navy ships to keep the sailors from getting scurvey. Hence, the nickname limeys. They are full of vitamin C and are often used in cooking and beverages. Some of the culinary uses include, sorbet, cocktails, candies, and they are often used in limeade and sodas, notably lemon-lime soda. Health benefits include, scurvey, hemorrhoids, peptic ucler, respiratory problems, bleeding gums, skin treatments, respiratory problems and more.

Some historians think limes came from Indonesia. Probably lime is the most famous as the cure for scurvey which is a deficiency of Vitamin C. Llimes are full of it. Today it is used by workers in polluted areas like furnaces, cement factories and paint shops to protect the workers.

Limes contain acids, antiobiotic properties, antioxidants, and are good for detoxification. The use of limes in cosmetic products is quite extensive. These include deodorants, hair oil, lotions and creams, as an exfoliant for dead skin cells, dandruff, toothpaste, soap and bath products.  Limes are also used in cleaning products for floors and toilets.

Limes are useful for diabetics because of the high levels of soluble fiber in them. They help regulate the body's absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, and help to reduce the recurrence of blood sugar spikes. Limes have a low glycemic index.They are useful for constipation because of their soluble fiber. Limes help to lower blood pressure because of their high level of potassium and limes help control cholesterol. They cut down on inflammation of the blood vesels and help to prevent heart disease.

Limes help to prevent the eyes from aging and macular degeneration and the flavonoids help protect the eyes from infections. They are useful for bleeding gums which result from a deficiency of Vitamin C.

Some folks use a glass of warm water with the juice of a lime squeesed into it as a weight reducer. It is said that consuming 2 glasses of this a day can burn fat very well and results will be seen in about one week. 

Here is a simple recipe for limeade, or if you wish you can use lemons too.


3 limes or 2 limes and 1 large lemon

Sweetener or choice

2 quarts of water


Cut limes and lemon in half and squeeze out the juice into a pitcher. Add sugar or sweetener of choice. Stir well. Add water and ice and chill in the refrigerator.  Enjoy and keep cool. 

Valerie Lull, Author
Ten Healthy Teas
Web Site: 

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