Sunday, June 14, 2015

Coconut Oil - The Miracle Food

In recent times coconut oil has come to the forefront as a wonderful health food. The old thinking is giving way to new thinking that this saturated fat is a good saturated fat and should be part of a healthy diet. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides. That means that they are metabolized differently. They go from the digestive system straight to the liver where they are used as quick energy which can have therapeutic effects.

Coconut oil is consumed a lot in other cultures, particularly the South Pacific. These peoples are very healthy. Coconut has been a part of their diet for generations and they have thrived on it with no sign of heart disease. Some research has been done on coconut oil for Alzheimer's Disease. The preliminary results are promising.

Another advantage is that coconut oil helps you to burn more fat. The medium-chain triglycerides increase energy expenditure and can lead to significant weight loss over the long term. Coconut oil contains lauric acid. This kills bacteria, viruses and fungi. It can help to stave off infections. It also reduces appetite so you can eat less.

Coconut oil can protect you hair from damage, it can moisturize skin and work as a sunscreen. It is used extensively in shampoo, soap and beauty products. It is very good for dry skin and can be used in massage as a massage oil.

Coconut oil is also used for diabetes, chronic disease, Crohn's disease, thyroid, energy, and boosting the immune system. There is one warning for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Coconut oil is good in amounts normally used in cooking, but the safety of coconut oil in large amounts is not known. It is best not to overdo it.

My new website is up and running. Check it out at  My next book, Ten Spices for Health and Longevity should be out in about a month. It will be an ebook on Amazon Kindle. If the response if good I will later release it in paperback. Have a wonderful summer.

Valerie Lull
Ten Healthy Teas

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