Sunday, August 24, 2014


Most of us think of those annoying blackberries that invade your lawns and gardens and have to be taken out. While it is true that blackberries can be a nuisance, they are loaded with health properties. The fruit is delicious and is full of vitamin C and relieves constipation, and the leaves and roots are good for diarrhea. I think of of culinary goodies like blackberry jam and blackberry smoothies and blackberry pies. My dad used to go out into the country and pick wild blackberries and bring them home for us to eat.

Blackberries have endless herbal qualities. Blackberries help people sleep, they cool and cleanse the blood and they tone the arteries and veins. For bleeding gums you can chew the leaves because they are an astringent and full of vitamin C. An infusion can be made that can be used for a mouthwash.There is fiber in blackberries that helps digestion and may lower cholesterol levels.

Blackberries have a lot of fiber. Vitamin A helps keep the mucous membranes healthy. Blackberries have vitamin K and manganese which helps your bones. Their deep purple color is because they contain anthocyanins which have cancer fighting benefits. The berries have natural sun protection which protects skin cells from the harmful rays of the sun. They have antioxidants that fight mutations which cause DNA damage.

Blackberries can help with eye health and reduce the chances of developing macular degeneration. The plant estrogens in blackberries can help relieve PMS symptoms and bloating, as well as menopause symptoms like hot flashes.

Blackberries can be eaten with yogurt, breakfast cereal, and in muffins. A tea can be made from the berries and they can be made into blackberry wine. An infusion can be made from the leaves and it can be taken as a tonic. There seems to be no end to the benefits of blackberries. They don't cost much and often you can go out in the wild and pick them for free.

I'm going to give you my favorite blackberry smoothie recipe. It is great as a snack or a dessert.

Blackberry Smoothie

In a blender combine 1 C of blackberries, 1 C of almond milk, or whatever kind of milk you choose to use, and 1 or 2 packs of Stevia, depending on how sweet you like it. You can also substitute whatever sweetener you choose if you don't want to use Stevia. Add ice, this is optional. If you berries are frozen you might want to skip the ice. Blend for 2-3 minutes. Pour into a glass and enjoy. This is one of my favorites.

To read about healthy teas go to  my website at .

Valerie Lull, Author
Ten Healthy Teas

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