Saturday, November 16, 2013

Green Tea Revisited

Health minded people never seem to get tired of green tea. It is a popular drink from the camellia sinensis plant and is usually considered a tea as opposed to an herb. It has a great many health benefits and is one of the most researched plants. I have seen a lot  good articles about green tea recently and I wanted to tell you some of the health benefits that come from sipping this hot beverage.

Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are produced by the body processes and cell activity and speed up the aging process. The most well known catechin is EGCG. Green tea has lots of antioxidants and it is thought that the longevity of the Japenese people is partly because of their consumption of green tea.

We know that green tea appears to help prevent cancers of the digestive tract and also skin cancer. However,there is even stronger evidence that it protects the cardiovascular system.  It seems to help cognative function of the brain, which is probably from the caffiene in the tea and green tea may lessen the risk of stroke.

Along with the health benefits are the social benefits of taking a few minutes out of the day for yourself to relax over a cup of tea. It helps relieve stress and often when the tea drinking is shared with friends and family it becomes a relaxing moment in a busy day.

There are infinite blends of green tea with other ingredients such as lemon, pomegranite, and ginger. Check out green tea on the internet. There are thousands of web sites telling everything from how the tea is grown to how to prepare it to the health benefits. Personally I try to get a good quality tea in bags, though loose tea is good too.

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